You’ve got to walk the talk as a leader, and sometimes that includes eating the frog. People who steer the ship do essential things for the team: define strategy, ensure the right people are in the right seats on the bus (or ship if you want to keep with the nautical theme), and make the […]
Balancing Work with Passion, Joy, and Life
The literature on work cultures is filled with stories of life-sapping jobs. You know, those dead-end jobs where you’re doing meaningless work for what seems like an eternity—like spinning lug nuts onto passenger-side front wheels eight hours a day for ten years. While people took on these sorts of jobs at the beginning of the […]
The Four Questions You Must Ask When Marketing Your Product
Over the course of my tech career, I have found many patterns that either serve or get in the way. One of the biggest make-or-break aspects of the business is, you guessed it, marketing. When you’re building a business, you aren’t just building a product or a service. You have to get people to buy […]
Are They Managers or Are They Going to Be Miserable?
Do you like to do work yourself or do you like to get work done through others? The answer, in my opinion, is the fundamental line determining who does and doesn’t have management potential. Unfortunately, that’s not how most organizations think. In most companies, if someone is good at a function, all the organization’s energies […]
How to Know If You’re Ready to Manage People
Question for you: Do you like to work, or do you want to get work done through others? Knowing what needs to be done, and DOING the work might be where you thrive. And as long as your supervisor recognizes that this is your strength, you’re golden. But what if your supervisor doesn’t realize that […]
One Lesson Every Entrepreneur Must Learn
Every entrepreneur knows starting a business is not for the weak. Nearly half don’t make it to five years, and even fewer make it to the ten-year mark. And every successful business can look back on their history and recall moments where they could have quickly put the nail in the coffin too. Just look at […]
3 Priorities to Set When You Delegate
It’s human nature for many of us to want to please those around us, particularly at work. To say yes to doing more, to consistently meet our goals, and to always exceed the expectations of those around and above us. But true leadership isn’t about people-pleasing. It’s about gathering the right people on your team whom you […]
What to Do When Things Get Tense
We all live with tension, but not all tension is bad. The trick is developing the ability to tell the difference between good tension and bad tension. To do that, you’ll have to learn which situations represent a healthy tension that can make your organization stronger versus those where unhealthy tension can create damage. Getting […]
Conducting Your Company: Playing to the Strengths—and Weaknesses—of Your People
My favorite metaphor for leadership is that of an orchestra conductor. Quite often, the conductor is someone who used to play a particular instrument in the orchestra, but now his or her job is to get the most beautiful sound out of the entire group. They do this by understanding the function of each section […]
Surviving the Economy as a Start-Up
Are you leading a new start-up? Were you just finding your footing as soon as COVID-19 hit? Do you find yourself struggling to balance the books as the pandemic carries on? If the answers to any of those questions were yes, then first, I would just like to say welcome to entrepreneurship. If you had […]